Welcome to Fastest Pather!
This mini allows you to create your own
environment, and run the A* Search
Algorithm inside of it!
You can draw many types of tiles to
run the pather through. At this time,
you can draw asphalt, grass, mud, and
water. As well as those, you can also
draw barriers by drawing with the same
paint type as the paint you are drawing
on top of.
You can think of this program almost
like Google Maps, except you don't have
to rely on the real world; you can
create your own environment for Google
Maps to try to find the fastest path
If at any point you are stuck, just
press the question mark that will show
up on each and every page of the program.
They will go through in detail each
button, and how things work.
If you have any issues with this program,
you can message me on my instagram
, or on my discord
If you want to see this dialog again,
just press the question mark in the
up top most corner!