Welcome to Fastest Pather!

This mini allows you to create your own environment, and run the A* Search Algorithm inside of it!

You can draw many types of tiles to run the pather through. At this time, you can draw asphalt, grass, mud, and water. As well as those, you can also draw barriers by drawing with the same paint type as the paint you are drawing on top of.

You can think of this program almost like Google Maps, except you don't have to rely on the real world; you can create your own environment for Google Maps to try to find the fastest path through.

If at any point you are stuck, just press the question mark that will show up on each and every page of the program. They will go through in detail each button, and how things work.

If you have any issues with this program, you can message me on my instagram @logan.of.shuu, or on my discord @dragonofshuu.

If you want to see this dialog again, just press the question mark in the up top most corner!

The Sizer

The sizer allows you to decide the size of the environment that the fastest path algorithm will go through.

I highly recommend adjusting the values to make each block a square.

The UI

The Numbers

The numbers on the left of the toolbar allows you to change the size of the environment to run the fastest path in. The first value is the width, and the second number is the height.

Please note for you to see the changes by changing the numbers, have to not focus on the text box.

I highly recommend adjusting the values to make each block a square.

Rotate Button

This button switches the width and the height (time saver for someone using a portrait mode device).

Finish Button

The finish button will initialize the environment with the sizes you have given, and will take you straight to the painter!